1,000 Mile Challenge for Break in July
We are partnering with Break Charity for our 1,000-mile challenge! The...
It's been a fantastic year of fundraising efforts for Break by the Candour team. If you haven't heard of them, Break are a charity that aim to transform the lives of 'looked after' children and young people that have experienced trauma, often through separation, loss, abuse or neglect.
Break supports these children by:
So what exactly did we do?
Sponsored £1,500 for a GoGoDiscover dinosaur
As part of the 10-week GoGoDiscover trail, seen by over half a million people, Candour sponsored a dino for Kinsale Infant School. The dinosaur's pattern was made by a fingerprints from every member of the school - behold the Rainbowsaurus Rex!
Made and auctioned office dog art
Who doesn't love a picture of the office dog? Partnering with ArtPocket in Norwich, our team poured their hearts and souls into making prints of all of the local agency dogs. With their heartstrings firmly attached, we sold the pictures right back to them to raise money!
A 1,000 mile challenge raising £1,775
In the month of July, our team set out to raise sponsorship by walking, running or crawling a collective 1,000 miles for Break. If that wasn't enough to cajole open purse strings, Jack made this wonderful cover song for the effort:
Agency support
In addition to our fundraising activities, we offered various services including webpage redesign, outreach, paid ad creative and workshops with care leavers to help Break push forward with their brilliant work.
End of year donation
We're delighted to finish the year with a final £5,000 donation to Break and want to thank them for all of the brilliant work they do.
We are partnering with Break Charity for our 1,000-mile challenge! The...
At Candour we make it a priority to create long-lasting relationships based...