
Google Search Console URL Inspection Tool API, SISTRIX IndexWatch UK retail edition, query strings and paid links and the new Bing automotive marketplace

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What's in this episode?

In this episode, you will hear Mark Williams-Cook & Jack Chambers talking about:

  • Google Search Console URL Inspection API and some tools and crawlers using this API
  • IndexWatch 2021 - UK Retail winners and losers
  • Are utm and query strings always paid links?
  • Bing's new automotive marketplace

Show notes


Mark: Welcome to episode five of season two of the Search With Candour Podcast, recorded on Wednesday, the 9th of February, 2022. My name is Mark Williams-Cook, and I'm joined by my regular co-host, Jack Chambers. And today we'll be talking about the Google search console URL inspection API again. We're going to be talking about the SISTRIX Index Watch 2021, the UK retail edition, winners and losers, query strings and links, and the Bing automotive marketplace thing.

Jack: Search with Candour is supported by SISTRIX, the SEO's toolbox go, if you want to check out some of their brilliant free tools, such as being able to check your visibility index, Google update impact, keyword research, and page speed checker, you can also find monthly trend watch data and the index watch data, which we're getting onto later, by going and signing up for the newsletter. That's for free tools and for TrendWatch And IndexWatch newsletters.

Jack: So I briefly touched on the Google Search Console URL Inspection API that has been launched. It was big news last week, but I didn't have much time to really delve into it, because it was so new. I recorded it a week ago on Wednesday, and it broke Monday night, UK time, and only a couple of bits and pieces were coming out. And we are seeing the first inklings, Valentin Pletzer and Keywords And Sheets were two examples. I gave last week of people that had already brought this inspection API into their tools, and things like that. But now we have quite a few more, and I thought it'd be good to talk through it with you as well, Mark, to get your ideas and get some thoughts, and some things you've found from this as well.

Mark: Yeah, I loved it, because this happened obviously when I was off, and I don't think there was any kind of warning from Google that this was going to happen. They've always been a bit cagey about search console and some of this data in there, and what they're showing. And if anything, when we went from the what's now, I guess, old search console, to the current one, we lost some fidelity and detail. So I was surprised they just dropped the API on us. I think a lot of tool vendors were, and I've been really impressed actually, this scramble on how quickly they've got that integration live.

Jack: I joked about it last week. I'm like, "By the time the listeners were hearing this on Monday after I recorded it on Wednesday, the chances are all of the well-known crawling tools have probably already got integrations." And of course, I mentioned Screaming Frog. I mentioned Sitebulb last week. I was correct. Unsurprisingly, those two great guys of, the whole team's there have been able to integrate it pretty quickly. Which was, I was, again, I'm very impressed by. And yeah, got some interesting stuff. Sitebulb is literally just if you have it connected to the search console for that domain, or for that property, you just tick a box, and it says, "Fetch your URL data from search console, URL inspection API," and it does it for you. It's lovely.

Mark: I think it's worth the reading as well. For Sitebulb-users, in their update email newsletter, it is worth reading a little bit about that feature, because I can guess from how they've written it, they've already had some feedback of people misunderstanding the API. So as Jack said, if it's connected to Google search console, it'll give you that default property, that's connected to that domain, but you can actually change that. And as I'll talk about later, the limit, the API limit, the 2,000 URL limit is per property, not per whole domain, whole website. Also, it's worth bearing in mind, because it's per property, it's not per tool. So if you are using other tools, such as Screaming Frog, to query that property, you are going to use up your API credits. And there is actually rate-limiting as part of that API as well. So if you run multiple tools at once, you're likely to get errors, or not the data back that you need. So it is worth just quickly reading through that, because it is new for everyone, and it might save you some headaches.

Jack: Yeah, definitely. I know screaming frog have done the 16.6 update release notes, and Sitebulb have their version 5.7 release notes as well. And of course, I mentioned a few other ones that are, they're more, less crawlers, more just free tools to have a play with, and test out and stuff. I mentioned from Valentin Pletzer, and Mike Richardson, through Keywords In Sheets as well. And we've seen a few other ones haven't we, Mark?

Mark: Yeah. So there, I was looking through the list of, well, stuff that people had done in terms of scripts and tools, because my first thought was, "Oh, there's a limit on this API. I don't like limits. How can we get around that?" It wasn't until early this week that I did see, I think it was a comment by Lily Ray that the limit is by property, not by website. And obviously, you can add additional verified properties to your search console.

Jack: Essentially, as many as you like, right?

Mark: Well, yeah-

Jack: Yeah, within reason.

Mark: ... as many ... Yeah. So this is what I looked at, which was so you can add things, particularly helpful if you've got maybe different countries, sub-folders, if you've got a blog, a news section, a forum, they're all reasons already, you might have separate verified properties on your search console. I didn't actually know how many properties you can have in Search Console. So I ...

Jack: You very rarely bump up against that limit. I don't think I've ever thought about it before.

Mark: Yeah. So I was doing some Googling, and I found in their documentation, it says you can have up to 1,000 properties in your search console account. So by account, obviously accounts hold domains and websites.

Jack: There's not per domain, that is per account?

Mark: I believe so.

Jack: Right.

Mark: And obviously two thousand times a thousand, two million.

Jack: Two million, yeah. That's all lot.

Mark: So I don't know if that would work. I feel like it's taking the piss if you try. But it would be interesting if someone made a fresh search console account, verified those properties, and maybe tried that. One of the scripts I found particularly interesting, was by Jean-Christophe Chouinard, it was written in Python, which is why I was particularly interested in it. Because I do a little bit of Python, and he's written a great tutorial, and given the source code for how to query this API, get the results back in JSON, and then essentially do what you like with it.

Mark: And again, I was thinking around this 2,000 URL limit, because if you've got this, and you can run it locally in Python, there's no reason why you can't have your database, or your sheet with URLs that you want to query, that is 10,000, 20,000 whatever, and actually just set this up as a timed job to query 2,000, wait 24 and a bit hours, 24 hours, one second, and then continue doing that, and build a report yourself. So I think especially for larger sites, you might want to break it up into these component, important parts of your site, and then maybe have a script like that, just constantly collecting that data for you. So that's a really good place to start, that script by Jean Christoff.

Mark: The other really nice thing I saw, was by Lazarino Stoy, which was a Google Data Studio set-up, whereby once you've done the query within Screaming Frog, you can essentially just dump that data into Google Data Studio. And it makes it really nice and easy to read, and a visual breakdown of essentially all of that data you get. So that's a really nice way, maybe if you're not quite as tech-savvy, but you've got Screaming Frog, and that's something everyone can do. It's these middle steps that I think help get you the insight. So you've gone from the, "Okay, well we can get this data," but then you have to slog through it, to get something actionable from it, or make sense of it.

Jack: Or presentable as well, if you are discussing it with clients, or with the team, in-house team or anything like that.

Mark: Yeah, absolutely. So I think data visualisation, I mean, there's a whole topic anyway, that's interesting, but I do think it's especially important with data like this, because as humans, if we can see things visually, normally we can spot patterns, and understand it better. So, it is great that we've got all these extra resources now, essentially for free, pretty much in a week.

Jack: Yeah, it really does feel like it's come out of nowhere. And as I said at the top of the show, it's pretty impressive how quickly everybody has been able to turn this around, and really transform it into so many different directions, and so many different ways of presenting it. And if you don't have tool, there is an alternative by using this thing. It's fascinating, and absolute credit to the developers and SEO people that have been able to build these tools. There is a link in the show notes as always, to all of these, and a great list in an article by the, of course, always fantastic Aleyda Solis on Search Engine Land. And that links out to eight of these tools, including a couple we haven't mentioned plus a couple we have mentioned as well.

Jack: So we're at the midpoint in the show. So let's talk about some SISTRIX data. We're going to dive into the Index Watch 2021 UK Retail Edition. I know we did touch on few department stores and stuff like that, when we touched on index watch previously, but we're diving a bit more into the retail details. Again, Index Watch done by Luce Rawlings, one of the data journalists over at SISTRIX. Very interesting read, if you do want to dive into that in more detail. We'll just go through a couple of highlights now. You can go get the full thing at

Mark: I like that, the ‘retails details’.

Jack: The ‘retails details’.

Mark: Okay, let's talk ‘retails details’. In this, in the UK Retail List, we've got winners and we've got losers again. And I just wanted to have a quick look at the very top, that we've got so far, and the very bottom, unfortunately. The very top of this list was Etsy with an almost 29% increase in visibility, which didn't surprise me, because I have been seeing a lot of Etsy in a lot of, especially, I guess, gift searches around Christmas.

Jack: And especially during the pandemic with people, from the other side of it, becoming Etsy sellers themselves. I know most partner has gotten into making resin moulds and coasters, and stuff like that. And I keep going like, "Get on Etsy, go and sell them." At the moment, she's just doing it for our wedding. But, yeah, she wants to start selling stuff. But I think there's a lot of people who have been doing that, and like, "Oh, I'll take up a hobby in while I'm furloughed," or whatever it was over the last two years. And then people are suddenly selling stuff, and you realise there's a huge market out there. So it totally makes sense that Etsy is continuing to grow in this day and age.

Mark: Yeah. I mean, I started selling some stuff on Etsy in lockdown, which was, I made a little prototype for a box with two buttons on, that connects to your computer, via USB, and you can disconnect and mute Zoom calls with it, or Google Meet calls because when you were still getting really up to speed with using Zoom at the beginning of everything is now on Zoom, there was always that awkward few seconds at the end of the call, where everyone's just looking for how to-

Jack: “Oh, let me just-”

Mark: ... close the window.

Jack: “I can't find the ... Yeah, I'll let you go in a minute…Yeah, but thanks bye.” But yeah.

Mark: Or trying to find the mute thing. So I was like, "Okay, we'll make a little button for this." And interestingly, so I made them, I made one for myself and it worked, and a few of my friends were like, "Oh cool. Can I have one?" So I was like, "Yeah. So I bought some stuff, made them and I was like, "I wonder if anyone else would want these?" So I listed them on eBay and on Etsy. And one thing that interested me, was Etsy outstripped eBay massively in terms of sales, I ended up stopping selling them, because I, at some nights was just having to spend three hours-

Jack: Building little boxes?

Mark: ... just building boxes like a production line. And I was like, "What am I doing with my time?" But at Etsy, the demand there was wild. So when I didn't, the first thing I actually tried when I didn't want to make them, was I just doubled the price, and people still would buy them, and they were paying for shipping to the US.

Jack: Oh wow.

Mark: Which is like another 10 quid or something.

Jack: I love that you have this humble brag of like, "Oh, I was too successful with my business."

Mark: We're still talking low numbers, but they take 30 minutes to build one when I got good at it. So that's a lot of, if you get 10 orders, that's five hours, I've got, and it's just, I've got other things to do. Anyway, we're going off track here. The point I wanted to make, was that I feel like you say, maybe there's a certain type of seller which maybe has moved away from eBay and onto Etsy. Just from that experience of essentially two identical listings with identical photos, the ratio is 10 to one in terms of sales. I'm not surprised to see this increase organically in Etsy, because I do see them coming up a lot.

Jack: I think it's a lot of these crafty things. I touched on like resin stuff, you mentioned hand-building these little boxes with switches and stuff. It's all this crafty, handmade kind of stuff. I do not think of eBay when I think of that. I think of Etsy. eBay for me is almost just in terms of instantly, what do you think when you think of eBay, it's reselling stuff. It's, "Oh, you can find stuff from an international seller you maybe can't find on Amazon, or you can't buy directly through their website," or, "Oh, I need a copy of an old book, or an old DVD," or whatever it is.

Jack: But Etsy to me is always more focused on the handmade stuff, and the crafty stuff. I bought my wedding ring on Etsy, put it that way. Yeah, it's this weird thing where I think that is so integrated into Etsy's brand at this point, and that is like I said, I think that's becoming more and more popular with more people trying to do their own small home business kind of thing. I think that totally makes sense that we've seen growth there, and more people are moving away from the other side of e-commerce and moving more towards Etsy for that kind of thing.

Mark: Yeah, certainly when I think of eBay now, a lot of it I've seen, is basically people buying stuff in bulk from abroad, and reselling it basically with razor-thin margins, which is very different to Etsy. So it's not the generic market you place it used to be. But just because something deserves to rank, or is helpful, thinking back to what we said about top cashback a couple of episodes ago-

Jack: Oh yeah.

Mark: ... doesn't mean it will necessarily rank. And what I found interesting about Etsy, is they do have, to me, it looks like, and again, this isn't an in-depth investigation I've done, but they have definitely got a very specific strategy with their SEO. So, they've got all their category pages, but one thing I find interesting when you look at Etsy, in particular, is they have this market page, this /market page, and they are hyper-targeted pages in their thousands, tens of thousands. To give you an example, I searched for something ridiculous. I searched for handmade niche candles. And of course, Etsy was first, and the first page had the page title, I think it was, "Niche candles." And then they ranked second as well with an indent for, "Candles, niche."

And then I tried this really similar query, so, "Handmade candles." So leave out the "Niche," and the first ranking page was Etsy. It was a market page they've made, which was, "Handmade candles." And then the second-ranking, indented, was, "Candles, handmade." And looking at these pages, they were pages with some sponsored results on, and it said, "We found 70, whatever, results." So they're treading this line, because they're like a search result page, because they're not in their main menu, it's not like a standard category, subcategory. But if your site runs on a database, what is a category page anyway? It's just a list of things that meet a criteria. So the line for me between that and a search page is very thin from that, they might call them, "Dynamic category pages," or some like that.

But that to me, is one of the reasons they seem to come up so much for all these really specific searches I do, it just seems that Etsy has a very closely matched page. And one of the, again, things I'll be talking about at BrightonSEO is this targeting of this incredibly long tail, and Google getting slightly better at that. And that, I think, is one of the reasons why we've seen this consistent climb in what Etsy's doing. I mean, they've got the links to back it up, they've got-

Jack: That also helps, yeah.

Mark: Yeah, maybe it was links. Links is certainly part of that, but, so I don't think anyone could just apply this strategy because it would look spammy, but they've got the inventory, they've got the content, that people like you say, they're attracting the sellers. Maybe not so many now they've put their fees on up, but to me, it just looks like a well-executed SEO strategy with intent, and it's working for them. And as you say, I think that's all tied in with their positioning, their market positioning is bang on. And at the other end of the scale, is at the moment on this report, Matalan.

Jack: I feel like that's a brand name I haven't heard in a few years, and that says it all. And to be fair, listeners outside of the UK, you may not have even heard of this brand.

Mark: Yeah. So, I mean, do you want to explain what Matalan do quickly?

Jack: Clothes and stuff, and homeware, and bits and pieces. I think they try and purposefully undersell other more like up-brand and High Street stores, I believe. And it's that, we have Home Bargains here in the UK as well. And that discount, maybe it's last year's trends, and now they're super cheap in this High Street store. So you're not paying like super top dollar, but you can get away with like, "Oh, that was cool six months ago, that was interesting a year ago," and do it that way.

Mark: So Matalan is 52% down, visibility wise since 2020. I had a quick look on Twitter just to see if anyone had been talking about it. I found one tweet a couple of months ago from someone called Dan Almond saying, "Just saw this bottom of the category on Matalan's website. Admittedly, I'm not up to date with SEO trends as I should be, but are we back to doing this again." A bit harsh. It's actually not that bad. I checked it out. But basically, at the bottom of a category page, you've got a, "You could also try," and then it's, "Men's dressing gowns, men's pyjamas, pyjama bottoms. Men's loungewear." That's fine.

Jack: Yeah, related search stuff. Yeah.

Mark: That's useful, I think. What was a little bit odd, so I looked at one of the suits pages, and you had a similar thing, "You could also try men's accessories," definitely made it clear that this was automated, because, "You could also try," and then one of the links is just categories. So I can see this has been pulled together by an automated system. But then what was a little bit odd, was there was a, "Read more," link because it said, there was an H2 that said, "Style gurus welcome, read more."

Jack: Lovely.

Mark: So I clicked, "Read more," and basically-

Jack: You're a style guru, you knew you were welcome.

Mark: I was like, "I'm welcome here." And then it opened up to five H2's saying, "Style gurus welcome. Jealousy-inducing jackets, suited and booted, jeans." They're all separate.

Jack: I love it. Suited and booted. Jeans.

Mark: Yeah. But so I'll just read this text to you. So it said, "Style gurus welcome." Then you've just got the paragraph text that says, "You consider yourself something of a style guru, and we respect that about you.”

Jack: I do.

Mark: “That's why we've set up a page dedicated to fashion-conscious chaps who are looking to add some panache to their already fashion-forward wardrobe.”

Jack: Can you hear me cringing, listeners? I'm physically cringing right now.

Mark: Take a look at our must-have collection here, and get ready to find your new favorite." Then, "Jealousy-inducing jackets. The temperatures are finally starting to rise, which means da, da, da." So you get the idea. It's-

Jack: Temperatures are finally, it's February. Temperatures aren't starting to rise, Matalan.

Mark: So I don't know. I was a little bit confused, because if that was, and I don't know a lot about Matalan brand, if that was an on-brand type thing to say, a copy thing, because if you're trying to create that brand feeling, then it feels like it should be more front and center, rather than in a, "Read more, read less," type thing. It feels like it's been put there for SEO, but then it's got a couple of internal links in there, embedded in that content, but it's not particularly keyword heavy. So I just don't know what it's for really I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm just saying I don't understand what it's for. I don't see it having a massive impact on SEO, but then if it was a consumer brand thing, why is it hidden even on desktop?

The SISTRIX data interestingly shows that some of their biggest drops were related to the review updates. I do know, it was probably a couple of years ago now though, I saw some SEOs that were working on/with Matalan, were talking about disavowing links. I doubt it's that, because it's the timeline seems a little bit too long for me. So the reason I like these index watch pieces is this is what I'm going to be looking at now. These top few sites, these bottom few sites, I would want to be understanding. Especially if I'm in this niche, what have they done? What have they done wrong? Or what have these people have done right? They may not have done anything wrong. Sometimes Google gets collateral damage. But-

Jack: Of course, yeah.

Mark: These are the ones that I'll be looking at in these index watch reports.

Jack: Yeah, definitely. I think that's something we touched on subconsciously, when we talked about index watch losers previously. Where we talked about website migrations, and if you've got a website migration coming up, or you, like you said, Mark, if you're in that niche, or in that market, similar to the companies and sites that are being analysed here, you need to keep an eye on that stuff, and see where they're going wrong, what they're doing right. All that kind of stuff can really benefit, I think, people from both sides, both winners and losers.

Mark: So we talked to Will Critchlow at the end of season one, I think it was the last, pretty much episode I did.

Jack: Episode 129.

Mark: Oh thank you. And the only thing I can think as well, if you're working at this kind of scale, because these are all big sites, right? Is that, if you're working on a site like this, where you've got John Lewis in here and some of the top winners, and we're talking about sites here with 10, 20 million organic visitors a month. That's the kind of level of site that should be using some kind of A/B testing as well for any onsite changes. Because they've got the traffic, they've got the categories, they've got the parity technologies there.

Jack: They've probably got the budget for it as well.

Mark: Yeah. It is not cheap to do well, but if you get this stuff wrong, it's expensive. And sometimes, as we said before, it's SEO, you can do everything right and still end up in a difficult situation. I'm sure a company, again, to give the caveat at the end of this, like we've talked about before, there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. SEO isn't the driving force behind a lot of businesses. It's an afterthought, or certainly, it's not a big stakeholder in certain decisions. We talked about the M&A stuff, and migrations as well on the podcast before last. So don't know the background, but I think it's worth looking at these kind of cases.

Jack: And if you'd like to go and check out index watch, as I said, a few minutes ago, go to, sign up for the newsletter, and you can also check out the blog post in full. They tend to have a little preview of the top three of the first couple of days before the newsletter goes out. And then you can get the full IndexWatch and TrendWatch newsletters delivered to your inbox by signing up for the newsletter.

Mark: Okay, I wanted to round off the show with two little stories, that I think are worth mentioning, worth talking about, especially this first one. There might be, this might be a game changer for someone listening to this. Not the first bit maybe, which is that John Mueller of Google, very kindly, as he does, he spends a lot of time speaking to SEOs, answering the same questions over and over again, in an incredibly patient manner-

Jack: He does, bless him. Yeah.

Mark: ... has confirmed, which should not come as a shock to most SEOs, that just because a link has a UTM parameter on it, that it doesn't make it a paid link. UTM links are for those that don't know, maybe, is a bit of a legacy thing. It's the Urchin Tracking query strings that Google analytics uses, where you can specify basically where your traffic's coming from. And lots of platforms will add them by default.

Jack: If you've heard the phrase UTM, and you think like, "Where have I seen that before?" And you've had a look at analytics, or even if you've clicked on a link from an email, or something like that, almost guaranteed, it will have UTM_source=, and then talk about the source, of where you're clicking from. And as you said, Mark, it's a way of tracking people from different sources through to your website. From your newsletter, you'll get source=email or source equals=, all that kind of stuff. And basically be able to track through marketing campaigns, through email campaigns, through SEO, through paid links, all that kind of stuff. It's just a way of tracking people coming to your site, and where they're coming from basically.

Mark: Yeah, you see people use them in all kinds of places, even in their Twitter bios. So they'll see, "Oh, okay. This many people came from clicking on my Twitter bio." It's basically a way to provide that refer-information and not get it lost, and end up in direct traffic again.-

Jack: As we talked about before. Yeah.

Mark: Yeah. What's I think particularly interesting here, is, well, a couple of things, actually. Firstly, and I just want to add this in, I guess, as an additional note, which is please don't use UTM codes on internal links. I've seen even Reddit do that.

Jack: Really?

Mark: And it really annoyed me. It's one of the most visited sites on the web.

Jack: "The front page of the internet," in their own words.

Mark: If you use UTM codes on your own internal links, it basically breaks the session, which is going to cause you problems. So there for external links, don't use them on internal links. So the reason John Mueller had to tweet this, was that some people thought that Google maybe was seeing links with UTM parameters in as paid links, because it's quite common when you do any kind of paid activity, that they'll end up with these UTM codes on. So you can be accountable for the money you're spending for the traffic. Some people thought this, or even some people thought links with query strings, we're going to be discounted, or classed as paid links, which is-

Jack: How interesting.

Mark: Yeah, especially wild, because most old CMS systems, that's just how you got to other pages. Everything had a query string on it. So if you think it through, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but of course, he's confirmed that no, they're definitely not considered paid links, they're just links. The interesting part for some people here, might be to do with affiliate schemes. Especially affiliate schemes that are run internally. By that, I mean, you're not using a third party network, you're using your own custom query strings to track your affiliate links. Because technically affiliate links to your site should be no-followed, and marked, or marked as sponsored links, because you are paying people essentially to promote you, so they have an incentive to link to you. I have seen many websites over the years, and still recently, ranking very well, because they run their own affiliate schemes, and they have loads of affiliates, sometimes in the hundreds of thousands of links to their site, just with their query string on, and Google's counting them, because they're followed.

Mark: I've seen probably, I could count on one hand, sites that have been penalised for this, that were very aggressive and avert about it. But what Google is saying here, I think, and what you can read between the lines here, is that it would be very difficult for them to determine which query strings are anything to do with an affiliate network, and which were just UTM or any other. I mean, you could run an, you could code an affiliate network to work with UTM code.

Jack: Yeah, exactly.

Mark: You could actually generate random custom query strings for affiliate URLs. So even if there was a way that Google could footprint it, there is ways you could easily make it pretty much impossible, unless it was manually reviewed. So I just thought I would put that out there, and leave it as a thought piece for, either those who might be currently ranking due to lots of affiliate links, or those that are considering how to run their own affiliate network, and the, not their own affiliate network, their own affiliate program, sorry. And the benefits to that. And lastly, my two of two is about Bing.

Jack: Oh yeah, we get some Bing news.

Mark: We get some Bing news, and I'm mentioning Bing news last. Not because Bing is not as important as Google to me. Well, you're here, why? So the news is Bing has now launched a new car/automobile set of search features, that, "Helps you find your next car." They've announced it on their blog. So again,, and we'll link you through to the official blog post that gives you the whole sales spiel about this new set of search features. But basically, it's kind of a carousel-y/card interface, that we see with a lot of these types of search verticals, where you can search for either a type of car, you might say, if you're American, if you're looking for, "Buy SUV," or you can search for "Mazda MX-5", specific models. and it'll bring back results based on locality, prices, images. It's a whole little search vertical, a bit like Google has, or something like Flights there.

So I thought I would check this out, because in Bing Ads as well, there is a specific automobile format, where you can list the images and the price, and that's built in there. So I went over to the link from their blog post. At the top, I saw the sponsored ads. So for me, locally, it was Autotrader running ads based in Norwich. So they're on that, obviously, being Autotrader, showing ads in the right place. And it said the nearest car to me was 60,000 miles away. So obviously it was giving me US results, my fault, because it said, "We've expanded the search area to find more matches for you. You can find listings on GB market here." So I clicked, "Here," and then I get the, "Whoops, something went wrong," page, and I got kicked back to

Jack: Brilliant.

Mark: And I tried a couple of times in different browsers. So that's the experience I got. So this is just really a tail-end note for you, for if you're working in automobiles, this is what you want to have a look at, a new feature on Bing. I assume they're going to fix it, so it works in the United Kingdom, at some point they'll get round to that.

Jack: Maybe somebody at Bing is listening right now. And they're like, "Oh my God, we'd left a broken link in there."

Mark: Maybe they'll do some kind of testing on their site, or something like that would be cool. But yeah, it's broken as far as I can see for the UK, I just saw Jack was-

Jack: Just tested it as well, yeah.

Mark: So it's definitely not just me, it's not working, but it's cool. That's why I chucked it at the end, because I didn't want to make a big thing of it, and then be like, "Well, yeah, it's broken." But if you're in the US, it appears to be working. Something you might want to explore, if you're doing SEO, or even paid in that automobile/car, as we call them, space.

And that's everything for us this week, we'll be back in one week's time, which will be Monday the 21st of February. And until then I hope you all have a lovely week.